Sports Injury

Chiropractic care is extremely beneficial for athletes at all levels and ages because of the amazing benefits it provides. In fact, 90% of all world-class athletes use chiropractic care to prevent injuries and boost their overall performance.

Athletes often undergo forceful impacts, repetitive motions, and overuse which leads to injuries. The good news is sports chiropractic can help.

Whether you’re suffering with a tennis elbow, feel restriction when swinging the golf club, or want to overcome a nagging injury, Dr. Royse – chiropractor in Redding, CA can help you get back on the field again!

Sports Injury Chiropractor in Redding CA - Chiropractic First

Benefits of Chiropractic care for Athletes of all Levels.

Playing sports can create strain and stress on your body. When your body is out of alignment the muscles can cramp and spasm, reduce your range of motion and make training painful and more difficult. When an athlete sees a chiropractor to remove those interferences, they will notice their tension decrease while their mobility and range of motion increase. As an athlete, seeing a chiropractor routinely will remove any interference that is preventing you from performing at your best. Plus, chiropractic can also improve your form because your muscles are loose and not strained from the nerve interference.

If an athlete gets injured, their body will compensate and protect them while they fight inflammation and misalignment, this ends up with them sitting on the bench instead of training. Chiropractic adjustments can help speed the recovery process by decreasing the inflammation and removing the misalignments to help aid your body in a faster recovery.

  • Non-Invasive, Drug-Free
  • Injury Prevention
  • Enhance Performance
  • More Effective Training
  • Reduced Recovery Time
  • Reduces Pain
  • Increases Strength
  • Promotes Stress Relief
  • Promotes Relaxation

Looking for a great family chiropractor IN Redding, CA?

Chiropractic First

1435 Market Street
Redding, CA 96001
(530) 243-0889

Office Hours

Monday & Wednesday
9:00am – 11:30am & 2:30pm – 5:30pm

Tuesday & Thursday
2:30pm – 5:30pm

7:40am – 11:30am